Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christian Warrior

Soldiers freeing Muslim Bosnians from Serb Domination
It is official. Today I became a member of Moody Church. About 15 of us were publicly welcomed in front of the congregation. God meant this to happened. Unbeknownst to me, last night before I went to sleep, I picked up my bible and randomly turned to the book 1st Peter. I even read it out loud to my wife and daughter as we laid in bed. As I read it, it dawn upon me that it was God speaking to me about my upcoming church membership. I kept telling my wife, “Wow. Peter is deep. I never knew he was this deep. Very deep.”

Fast forward to this morning. As I sat in front of the congregation, I opened the Church bulletin and lo and behold! Pastor Lutzer’s message was going to be about 1 Peter!! “Oh my,” I thought. to myself. “What are the chances that the same book I was reading last night, would be the lesson for this Sunday?” It was no coincidence. My wife too was very surprised. She thought I had preplanned it. But I reassured her that I did not know in advance..

And it was no coincidence that Pastor Lutzer said that we are living in an era of dire times. The moral fabric of this country is crumbling “as the levies during Katrina.” Additionally he said (and I have always believed it) Christianity is under attack by all worldly forces. Everyone who is not a Christian is offended by Jesus Christ.

I used to be obsessed about standing up for defending our civil liberties, but by the year 2000 I had lost all of my spunk. Over the years I tried to dig deep and bring back my fighting spirit. But I was never able bring it back no matter how hard I tried to will myself. But after today, I feel its resurgence. God was saving it for this moment. I am once again feeling the “power of the Spirit.” I feel as if there is nothing I can’t do! The Apostle Paul said that Christians are fighting against principalities and unseen forces. This is a spiritual war. We are heading towards a head-on collision with the coming storm. I was born for battle. This Christian Warrior is ready.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Baby Boy

This past Thursday we were elated to learn that our unborn baby would be a boy. God blessed us with a baby girl that is now 5 years old. We tried to have another one within the past two years but we suffered two miscarriages. We were very afraid to get pregnant again and when we did we were on pins and needles.

Our main concern when my wife had the ultrasound was that the baby had all of its fingers and toes. Whether or not it was a boy or girl didn’t matter as much. Ideally we did want a boy but we left it up to God.

But deep within my heart I always knew that our next baby would be a boy. About two months ago I had a dream where I met a little boy. When I saw this baby boy in my dream I did not recognize him, but some instinct told me that it was my son. My dream was similar to the promo of the Adam Sandler movie “Big Daddy.” In my dream, out of nowhere a small boy stood next to me. I think it was God’s way to telling me that he would answer our prayers and give us a boy.

We are so excited. Our baby is scheduled to be born sometime in mid May. We are frantically looking for a very special name. We will pray to God to help us find a very meaningful name that will glorify Him.