Monday, February 8, 2016

Research in the Library

My second grade students recently did research on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for African-American History Month.  The online education program we used was  For students from kindergarten and 2nd grade this is a good resource.  Students can have access to different biographies and read articles about famous historical figures.  They can also have a chance to watch videos. When watching one of these videos we came across some footage featuring.

George Washington Carver

I was surprised to see this because I did not know there was a movie about him working in his lab. The site has its limitations, but for basic research where students can get basic facts about the the person or topics, it is very good.  Other African-American biographies suitable for children in this age group are:

Harriet Tubman

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

With the research my students did we were able to make our February bulletin board.  Below is the final product for a bulletin board idea.  I hope you like it and if you do please comment and share.  God bless....

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hungry Like a Bug

After we read one of Eric Carle's most famous books I did this lesson with the kindergarten through 1st grade students. 

Some of Eric Carle's most famous books we read in class, and children love very much are:

The Very Quiet Cricket --(This book makes a chirping sound when children open the pages!)

There are a number of variations of this lesson.  But pretty much it goes like this: I bought a box of bow ties, shells and spiral pasta. I bought pinto beans because the store was out of the white ones. I also bought round paper plates.  At the school we had the glue and I pre-cut the leaves.  I also printed the labels for each of the stages of the butterfly. Here is what I discovered.  The kindergarten students will have a harder time to do this project.  They have a hard time placing the labels with the right step.  The first graders had no problem at all.  The best part is that they all loved their work.  It was hard for me because I teach four kindergarten and four first grade classes.  But in the end it was all worth it.  The students really enjoyed doing this. This project is in continuation of the Life Stages of a Butterfly lesson plan which can be found in this same blog.  Below are the pictures of our actual student work.  Enjoy.  And if you liked it, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below.  God bless.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Icky Earthworm Fascinates Baby

This is my son. One day some friends of ours invited us to Lake Geneva, IL and we went fishing.  He was fascinated about the fish we were catching at the pier.  Later when we left he kept telling us that he wanted to go fishing.  Since we live close to Lake Michigan it was a no-brainer.  We went to the fishing store and bought a rod and worms.  Well, since he knew that there were worms in the tub he kept insisting to see them.  I took out a worm and was surprised to see how large it was.  I thought, "this isn't a worm it is a snake!" Babies are fascinated about icky stuff that adults may find revolting.  Here my son is studying an earthworm for the first time.  His expressions and wonder are revealing. Please be sure to visit and watch more videos at our YouTube channel.  Thanks!