Friday, December 16, 2011

Tim Tebow: Standing Up for Christ!

Tim Tebow, Public Domain, United States Army

Tim Tebow is doing something that most Christians are afraid to do---to publicly stand up for God. When Tebow was born I was entering high school. 24 years later...God has created a phenom no one was expecting. Tebow's life story is quite amazing...his mother got sick while pregnant in the Philippines and she refused to abort him. Years later God has shown how he rewards the faithful. Every time he does something amazing on the football field, Tebow kneels down with one knee and prays. He is not afraid of being ridicule or criticized. He has said to public outlets that his expression of faith is part of his way of life. His "Tebowing' is going global. I pray that God may continue to use this young man for his glory and that he may protect his steps wherever he goes. This old geezer is being inspired by a new modern day hero. Thank you for teaching me not to be ashamed. I pray to God that I too can find the courage to stand up for God.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Christian Cross

Today, while attending the Persecuted Christians: Affliction or Privilege? The Impact of Islam in the East and West Conference at Moody Church, I was saddened to hear how a 17 year old boy named Ayman Nabil Labib was killed in Egypt by his classmates and teachers for refusing to take off his Christian cross. What in the world is happening to people? Do people hate the symbols of Christianity so much that a small cross offends them? This incident reminds of the time when my classmates laughed at me for having a pocket size bible.

I also heard in the conference how Christians in the United Kingdom are being discriminated upon for the same reasons. They are afraid to come out and profess their faith in public. But we must be brave and courageous to take a stand. We as Christians should not hide from the world who we are. We must come out and show the world that we are Christians and we are proud---proud to be Christians and have Jesus Christ live in us. It has been years that I do not wear a cross. But if people hate Christ so much all the more I will show them that I am not ashamed of the Gospel or Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Do You Remember 911?

Public Domain Photo. U.S. Department of Defense.

How do you remember September 11? This is how I remember it---

Dead bodies. Dead and dismembered bodies laid everywhere. As I was walking through the devastation, my soul could not comprehend the horrific cruelty and lose of life I was seeing in front of me. I was shaking with dread asking who could have done this to other human beings? Many of the dead were Mexican, and as one of their race…I thought to myself who would hate Mexicans enough to kill them so merciless? It hit me very hard. All of a sudden, I woke up from this nightmare. But like the biblical visions of old, I felt as if it was a warning of a future time to come.

The day before 911 as I was driving to work, I looked up at the beautiful sunny and peaceful sky. It was so peaceful and still….it was unnerving. For whatever reason, time seemed to have slowed down. I noticed that even the pigeons streaking across the sky were flying in slow motion. How odd? I thought. But, like the millions of Americans, for me the day before 911 was just like any other day.

The next morning Fox 32 was reporting a crash of an airplane into one of the towers. The rest became part of history. Because of 911 my perceptions of life and faith have changed forever. Human cruelty in the name of God convicted my heart beyond understanding. As fate would have it. A month or so later I was invited to attend a seminar at Yale University. 911 was still very fresh in our minds. With a school colleague we ditched Connecticut that night and we took the train into New York.

It was my first time ever being in New York. I had always wanted to visit due to my youthful fascination with superhero lore. So we visited Ground Zero and the post devastation I saw was surreal. I was speechless. As I was standing looking into the big empty hole, how I wish I could have had real superpowers to rescue the people. How I wish I could have stopped the buildings from falling, or stopped the airplanes from crashing. But the only realization I got from paying my respects at Ground Zero was how utterly useless I was to do anything about it. Thank God for my Christian faith. Thank God that in spite of the hate someone may show me, as a Christian I must still demonstrate love and forgiveness.

It really makes me wonder how other people are dealing with the Dreadful Day of 911. How do you remember September 2011? How did it change your life?

Monday, September 5, 2011

You Too Can Experienced Powerful Prayer

Public Domain "Jesus praying to God the Father in Gethsemane," Heinrich Hofmann, 1890.

On Sunday July 31, we finally took Moody Church’s offer to walk down to the pulpit and ask one of the prayer partners to pray for us. As a family we were going through a lot of uncertainty: I was due for bilateral hernia surgery, had problems at work, and my wife’s childhood friend back in the Philippines had lupus. My wife was very worried about her friend. She was expecting the worst. When faced with these kinds of dilemmas you can’t take it anymore and want some kind of divine intervention. So I asked my wife if we could go down after the service to have one of the prayer partners to pray for us.

So we walked down the aisle and I asked a sister who was in casual conversation with another brother that we needed prayer. She couldn't pray for us at that moment so she asked someone else, who was also engaged in casual conversation and we were told to wait.  Seeing my discouragement my wife asked me to wait. She looked around and saw a young man, in casual attire, doing prayer with others. After we waited for our turn my wife asked him if he could pray for us. Bob, who was his name did not hesitate. As we bowed down our heads for prayer and he started to pray it felt that he was right on target with each request. (And at the end of his prayer I told him that.) We thanked him for his graciousness and we all departed feeling a little bit better.

I am very happy to testify that my surgery went better than expected, we have a new network leader at work which looks like it is for the best, because after introducing her self to the staff she said “I know God sent me here, “ and my wife found out that her friend did not have lupus!! For me the last one was hard to believe, because my wife was very sure her friend had lupus and because all of the telltale symptoms of lupus wer there, and her original tests by different doctors revealed she had lupus. But when she went to her final test--it came back negative! It totally blew me away.

I am so grateful to God for intervening in our lives. We can face tomorrow with greater hope that he is within the sound of our voice. I am also thankful for Bob, who was there at the right place and the right time to pray for us.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Get Real Super Powers

Public Domain, Fleschier Superman, 1940

Superman is a Christian. I just realized this earlier this week. True, he was created by two Jewish boys--but like every person on this earth he was converted into Christianity. Everything Superman does and believes in is Christian. Superman believes in protecting everyone. There is no evil in his heart. His forgiveness is Christ-like. No other superhero has such a high moral character. It is against Superman’s nature to lie and he always tells the truth. And just like Jesus Christ, Superman is willing to sacrifice himself, even his own life to save the life of others. To my knowledge his comic book creators have never acknowledge his Christianity---but they never had to. Like a true Christian Superman’s way of life, what he has practiced all of his life, is Christian.

His powers also show his connection to Jesus. Superman can walk on water, just like Jesus did. Superman can move at superhuman speeds. In one instance Jesus Christ, without a boat, beat his disciplines in crossing the other side of the sea. Superman can turn coal into a diamonds. Jesus Christ turned water into wine. Jesus once said that with great faith a person can move a mountain. Superman moves mountains. When Superman died at the hands of Doomsday, he came back to life; just like Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion.

And what about that big iconic S symbol on his chest? His symbol are two fishes drawn next two each other. A fish is a symbol which represents Christianity. Additionally, the S represents Savior, Saved, Salvation, Son, Spirit, and Sacrifice. Above all the symbol represents “hope”. Just like the cross of Jesus which represent life, hope, love and peace. The great difference is that Superman is a fictional character. Jesus Christ is real. When life is to hard to handle. When I cannot take the pain and suffering anymore, I can turn to Jesus Christ with great confidence and He will rescue me. There is no other superhero like Jesus Christ---not even a superman.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Christians With Superpowers

Christians with Superpowers

As a kid I used to think that having superpowers would be the coolest thing. Most boys imagine themselves flying like Superman, or having a sixth sense like Spider-Man. It turns out that most Christians do have powers, but they are called Spiritual Gifts. I honestly did not know about this until I took the class “Discovering Your Gifts” at Moody Church. These spiritual gifts are wisdom, healing, leadership, prophecy, wisdom, discernment, faith, teaching, miracles, word of knowledge, interpretation, and mercy---just to name a few of the 23 that are described in the Bible by the Apostle Paul and others.

After completing several assessments I discovered I had up to five gifts/powers! I have the spiritual gifts of discernment, word of knowledge, mercy, faith and creativity. The description of each is as follows---

Discernment: To distinguish between truth and error. Differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong. Christians who have this gift are able to identify deception. They can recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message or interpretation. They are also able to sense the presence of evil. (Ooooh! This is probably the coolest.)

Word of Knowledge: Brings the truth to the body through a revelation or biblical insight. Christians who have this gift are able to search the Scriptures for insight, understanding and truth. They gain knowledge that is not attained by natural observation or means. They are inquisitive and spiritually sensitive.

Mercy: To cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or in need, having compassion that is moved to action. Christians who have this gift concern themselves with individual or social issues that oppress people.

Faith: Act on God’s promise with confidence and unwavering belief in God’s ability to fulfill his purpose. These Christians go forward when others will not. They ask God for what is needed and trust him for his provision.

Creativity: Ability to communicate God’s truth in a variety of art forms.

I tend to believe these choices are true of me because I would have wanted to have the gift of healing, or performing miracles--but the assessments did not score these high enough. Additionally I did not know or want the gifts of mercy or creativity---but they showed up very high on the independent assessments made by three people who know me.

Several points the teacher made clear was that these gifts are given to Christians after they receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They do not manifest themselves before conversion. They are also meant to glorify God and not ourselves. So after all, I do have my own spider-sense! That means that no one should try to pass any wool over my eyes. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Against Christophobia

International Day Against Christophobia May 18, 2011

Public Domain, Father Miguel Pro executed by Mexican Government on November 23, 1927

I cannot take the hypocrisy anymore. I cannot just sit here and not try to do anything about what is happening to our values, and families as Christians. Today, I openly declare that it is the International Day Against Christophobia--- the fear, discrimination and intolerance against Christians.

As Christians we do not hate anyone. Jesus Christ clearly told his followers to love one another, including those that hate us. If we speak against an immoral acts or behaviors, we disapprove of the act or behavior, not the person. But many groups have taken upon themselves to misinterpret the tenements of our faith.

There is a world wide movement against Christians sweeping the globe. Christians are not permitted to talk openly about their faith. Secular society is quick to stop Christians from professing their faith to others for fear of offending non-Christians. But no matter where you go in the United States, whether you are a Buddhist, Hindu, or Wiccan--nobody tells these and other religious groups from showing-off their faiths.

As Christians we know that we will face persecution in many forms but as the body of Christ we are all one. The Bible says that if one part suffers the whole body suffers. So if you are a Christian, or sympathize with Christianity in the most remote sense, let us come together and start our own movement to bring awareness that Christian persecution must stop all over the world.Please spread the world, share this movement with all of your church groups, friends and family members. Because Christians come in many different denominations, races, and walks of life, wear any color ribbon turned horizontally either to the right or left because it resembles the Christian fish symbol. Wear your ribbon every day of the year, because Christian persecution is daily and will culminate every May 18. Thank you. Be blessed in Jesus Christ!!

Facts against Christians

Vandalism--churches are burned, defaced, or broken into.
Violence--Christians are beaten, or killed for believing in their faith.
Music---death metal, pop, often declare hatred against Christ, the Church or Christians
Government--Over 50 countries have laws written in their Constitutions banning the practice of Christianity.

Statistics Against Christianity

150,000 Christians are killed world wide for their faith.
75 out of every 100 people killed for religious hatred are Christian.
Over 1 million children are the victims of Christian persecution.

Countries that persecute Christians the most

North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Maldives, Yemen, Iraq
Uzbekistan, Laos, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan, China, Cuba, Egypt

© 2011 All Rights Reserved JFS

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christian Warrior

Soldiers freeing Muslim Bosnians from Serb Domination
It is official. Today I became a member of Moody Church. About 15 of us were publicly welcomed in front of the congregation. God meant this to happened. Unbeknownst to me, last night before I went to sleep, I picked up my bible and randomly turned to the book 1st Peter. I even read it out loud to my wife and daughter as we laid in bed. As I read it, it dawn upon me that it was God speaking to me about my upcoming church membership. I kept telling my wife, “Wow. Peter is deep. I never knew he was this deep. Very deep.”

Fast forward to this morning. As I sat in front of the congregation, I opened the Church bulletin and lo and behold! Pastor Lutzer’s message was going to be about 1 Peter!! “Oh my,” I thought. to myself. “What are the chances that the same book I was reading last night, would be the lesson for this Sunday?” It was no coincidence. My wife too was very surprised. She thought I had preplanned it. But I reassured her that I did not know in advance..

And it was no coincidence that Pastor Lutzer said that we are living in an era of dire times. The moral fabric of this country is crumbling “as the levies during Katrina.” Additionally he said (and I have always believed it) Christianity is under attack by all worldly forces. Everyone who is not a Christian is offended by Jesus Christ.

I used to be obsessed about standing up for defending our civil liberties, but by the year 2000 I had lost all of my spunk. Over the years I tried to dig deep and bring back my fighting spirit. But I was never able bring it back no matter how hard I tried to will myself. But after today, I feel its resurgence. God was saving it for this moment. I am once again feeling the “power of the Spirit.” I feel as if there is nothing I can’t do! The Apostle Paul said that Christians are fighting against principalities and unseen forces. This is a spiritual war. We are heading towards a head-on collision with the coming storm. I was born for battle. This Christian Warrior is ready.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Baby Boy

This past Thursday we were elated to learn that our unborn baby would be a boy. God blessed us with a baby girl that is now 5 years old. We tried to have another one within the past two years but we suffered two miscarriages. We were very afraid to get pregnant again and when we did we were on pins and needles.

Our main concern when my wife had the ultrasound was that the baby had all of its fingers and toes. Whether or not it was a boy or girl didn’t matter as much. Ideally we did want a boy but we left it up to God.

But deep within my heart I always knew that our next baby would be a boy. About two months ago I had a dream where I met a little boy. When I saw this baby boy in my dream I did not recognize him, but some instinct told me that it was my son. My dream was similar to the promo of the Adam Sandler movie “Big Daddy.” In my dream, out of nowhere a small boy stood next to me. I think it was God’s way to telling me that he would answer our prayers and give us a boy.

We are so excited. Our baby is scheduled to be born sometime in mid May. We are frantically looking for a very special name. We will pray to God to help us find a very meaningful name that will glorify Him.