Sunday, April 26, 2009

God is Bigger

Oh, no! The swine flu is starting to be called a pandemic. Hundreds of people have been infected, dozens have died and Mexico City has been completely shut down. The media has a nice way of scaring people don’t they? We know that these things must occur because the Bible said they would over 2,000 years ago. But we do not need to run in fear thinking that we are going to die. When I went to visit my fiancée the SARS epidemic was hitting Asia. No threat of a deadly virus was going to stop me from visiting my true love. I wore a mask to be cautious from California all the way to the Philippines. I did so because I did not know what else I could do. Years later I have found out that there is an answer for these pestilences. It is too obvious not to have noticed them. The Black Plague that swept across Europe killed millions of people. But not all of them died. There were millions of people that did not die.

Having good health is based on the measures we take to take care of ourselves. It does not surprise me that this swine flu started in Mexico City. Mexico City has the worst pollution of any other city in the planet. Pollution destroys the body’s ability to defend itself against deadly strains of viruses. Many medical doctors will say that there is no cure for these viruses. They say that virus cannot be killed. Below is a list of herbal supplements that have been reported to kill viruses and they are all natural. I’ve used many of them myself. Another thing that we should consider is that Jesus Christ, God, is bigger than any doctor, media conglomerate, the government and disease. He loves us so much that I believe in earnest that he has given us everything we need to fight sickness. Take precautions as needed and continue to worship our Lord and Savior.

Oregano Oil

Olive leaf extract


Organic virgin coconut oil


Hypericum Mysorense and Hypericum Hookeranum
(don’t know what this is yet, but it was discovered in India)

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