Friday, April 10, 2009

Marriage: The Male Perspective

Our Wedding Bands

I got married at age 33. Contrary to popular belief--most normal men do want to get married and establish a happy family. A normal, stable family is every decent man's desire. That was one of my goals in life. I do not believe in the "live-in" concept. I am not a piece of meat. We do not want to marry women who are party girls. Party girls send us bad signals. We also want to marry women who are religiously healthy--women who love and fear the Lord. Many years ago a friend of mine who was a Jehovah’s Witness, gave me an ultimatum. She told me "If you love me. You will believe in MY religion." It would have been better for her to say, "If you love God and or Jesus Christ, I hope you will love me too." But she did not. I don't think she meant to cause any harm, but I never looked back.

However, for some men there is a rush to get married. The younger the better is the thought. If men are going to get married, they should not do it younger than 25 years. At this age, we are just starting to outgrow our childlike mentality. It’s true. When I finally met my lovely wife I knew it was the right time. When you preserve yourself from sin and great temptation not only are you doing it for your spiritual well-being, but you are also doing it for your future family. God will bless you tremendously for it.


Shelly said...

I believe this to be so true. I am married with four kids and I am only 25 years old. My kids' ages are 5, 4, 2, and 5 months (I'm tired! Come help me babysit!). Just kidding! I can say that men can be very childish at times but I have seen men in their 30s that still don't intend on settling down with one woman and actually let some good ones go. My husband always believed in God but he had a nasty habit of drinking too much. However, he prayed and I prayed for him and now it has been 2 years since he stopped drinking. Actually, now it's like he never had a drinking problem. Now that I think about it, all of my prayers were answered. I continued to pray and even though at the time I couldn't see how God would help me out of such a rut, he sent me down a dark path that lead me to exactly what I prayed for and more. Good is Good!

Johnny said...

So true. Thanks for your comment. Loved it!