Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trampled Upon

"And we thank God continually because when you receive the word of God, which you heard from us, you accept it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe."---1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

I went back to church after several months of inactivity. I consider myself a non-denominational Christian but I usually visit the Rogers Park Baptist Church, willingly. I don't feel pressured when I come to this church...I feel as if they let me be me. Today was Palm Sunday and I did not even know it. That is what you call an atypical Christian.

I have the desire to become a better husband and a better father, a better follower of Christ. We however are always being bombarded by temptation and sin. This modern society has it harder than the ancients, I believe. Wherever a person may go you can't escape it! Television, billboards, the Internet. There is sin large and in living color. About two weeks ago our four year old daughter reminded us about going to church. She sounded very disappointed when we did not go. And I felt bad because I let her down. It was almost as if God was telling me to go to church, if not for least for her sake, our daughter's sake.

As I sat there I could not help to notice that the more I visit churches the more I like the songs they sing. One of the songs that was very meaningful to me went like this: Crucified, laid behind a stone. You lived to die rejected and alone like a rose trampled on the ground, you took the fall and thought of me, above all!

Trying to live according to God's standard is hard. It gets even harder when you try your best to help people, but even your best is not enough. Whether it is at work, at home or even in the street. People are always on the defensive. This is a thankless society. The nicer you are the more they trample on you. But I guess that is what Jesus did for us. He was the first to take the fall for us so that we may be saved. I have the belief and faith that change is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sincerely wish you commit to one particular church (pray about could be this baptist church)...but go every week. That is a lesson i have learnt and have been practicing for some years. Its especially good for the kids, to be molded in a wonderful way.